Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Here's how it goes:Pick 5 of the following questions and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! (No tag backs allowed.)
If I could be a scientist?
If I could be a farmer?
If I could be a musician?
If I could be a doctor?
If I could be a painter?
If I could be a gardener?
If I could be a missionary?
If I could be a chef?
If I could be an architect?
If I could be a linguist?
If I could be a psychologist?
If I could be a librarian?
If I could be an athlete?
If I could be a lawyer?
If I could be an inn-keeper?
If I could be a professor?
If I could be a writer?
If I could be a llama-rider?
If I could be a bonnie pirate?
If I could be an astronaut?
If I could be a world famous blogger?
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world?
If I could be married to any current famous political figure?

I am curious that if this is analyzed, what it would say about me.

1.A Bonnie Pirate- The whole code of the sea, go wherever the wind takes you. And maybe with the sheer size of the ship I wouldn't get sea sick.

2.A lawyer- Minus the long hours, I am really good at arguing. I think I would look good in a suit and even have the sexy glasses to top it all off.

3. A linguist- Ah the ability to speak in mutilple languages. It would secure a good job as well as sound pretty hot. That and I could say nasty things to people and they wouldn't understand.

4. A professor- The young minds I could mold. HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA

5. A llama rider- I couldn't resist this one. Its just sounds like a great story to tell someone. Yeah, ( sniff) back in the day I was the best darn Llama rider, until that spitting accident.

Alright Tiff, you know have something to read.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Someone keep Liz away from the young minds please!!

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Yes please do at all costs! Who knows what she would do to them! Liz! You need to blog more for our entertainment!!


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