Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blooding Part 2

Tonight I had an appointment with the locate blood letting facility , if you remember my experiences with the locate blood donation center, its never a pretty sight and tonight was no exception. My first compliant starts with the guy the calls me to guilt me in to giving blood in the first place. Kevin, from the blood center, calls me , he always calls me every 16 weeks. In asking for my donation he always gives me a reason why he needs my donation, this time they had a “bleeder”, before Kevin could go in to any more detail about the “bleeder”, I cut him off and said that I would volunteer to donate with no explanation. I don’t want to hear about the “bleeder”, suffering child, or any other afflicted soul that desperately needs my blood. So at 6 pm I rolled in to my appointment prepared for it to be yet another fiasco. I was not let down......
Picture this if you will, I am sitting here typing this post for your reading pleasure with a bandage on each arm, yes you read that right, a bandage on each arm. We (the nurses let me pick which arm ) decided to tap in to the left arm, the nurse inserts the giant needle into my arm and the familiar pinching/stabbing sensation make me wince. Blood starts to travel down the tube and stops, yes stops dead in its tracks. The nurse looks up at me in a confused manner, like I had control over my blood flow. Can you imagine it, I get distracted and forget to make my heart beat??? Sucks for me doesn’t it. So she “adjusts” the needle, read moves it around while it is still in my arm, and the calls for the head honcho nurse to take a look.. Before even coming over to see what is wrong, she grabs the splash guard, I can not tell you how many times I have been addressed by a nurse that is in a splash guard. She tries to help but they claim that the needle has reached a hematoma in my arm, an existing bruise, and decided that they should try the other arm. Oh and a little side note that see added, I am going to have a bruised arm, sorry dear. On to the next victim, oh I mean arm. I was able to donate the blood they needed without any further stories about the bleeder. But I got the bruise.


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

I feel like I might jinx something if I comment on this post! I'm sorry you have a nasty bruise though... :) And I agree - no need for details as to why they need us to come in!

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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