I once, I always, I never.....
I once was stung on the tongue by a wasp in the first grade. That is what I get for running around with my mouth open.
I always try to sleep in the middle of the bed, whether I am alone or not.
I never can be reading one book at any given time. I am always in the middle of at least 3 or more books.
I once had an unfortunate accident with a tree. It got in the way of the dog I was walking and another dog. I was the victim and the tree won.
I always avoid people from my high school when I see them around town.
I never can make it out of the door in the morning without forgetting at least one thing. Sunglasses, keys, my mind.
I once was attacked by a goose. I was three and apparently my pigtails resembled a tasty snack. I am still wary of geese.
I always am three degrees below the normal human temperature of 98.6. (That’s just for you ,Specialist ;) )
I never ever ever ever eat olives. They are foul. I will whimper and point to the offending olive until someone will rescue me from its ickiness.
I once stole glue sticks for a glue gun from a craft store. I was caught by my mom and she took me back to return them. I was mortified. And apparently had weird taste in stealing things.
I always read at night before I go to sleep. This of course means I always go to sleep later than I had intended to.
I never can remember to return things, movies, library books, a friend's Tahoe sweater ( sorry Tiff).
I once won the industrial arts award in the 7th grade. It was for the wood working class I took instead of Home Ec. I was the only girl in a class of 30. My parents were so proud. The boys in my class were not.
I always make wishes… on stars, while holding my breathe driving thru a tunnel, driving under a train… I think its fun.
I never bring lunch from home though I know I should. I eat out everyday just so I can get out of the office.
I once when I was three told a little girl that her bother was a f**ker. I blame my parents for the love of the f-word.
I always smile at dogs walking by. I take no notice of the owner unless I want to pet the dog then I ask if it’s ok.
I never want to go sky diving. Ever. I am absolutely terrified of jumping out of a plane. I will of course be supportive if one of my friends want to. I will wait on the ground with a beer and a spatula. Just in case.
I once was told by a friend that she couldn’t hang out with me anymore after my boyfriend had broken up with me because she thought her boyfriend would break up with her too.
I always dream, every night. They are vivid dreams that make no sense and have no relevance to what is going on in my life. Its kind of like having my own TV show.
I never cook for myself. I usually make a sandwich or get take out. I prefer cooking for someone else. Doesn’t seem like its worth dirtying dishes for just myself.
I once kicked a boy in the nuts for chasing me around the playground trying to lift up my skirt on Friday Flip-Up Day. Even in high school he wouldn’t come close to me, just in case.
I always have mysterious bruises, little cuts and nicks. I think the bruises are a vitamin shortage. As for the others I am just clumsy.
I never liked the nickname Lizzie.
I once screamed at a cop for pulling me over. I was truly hysterical and it got me out of a ticket. It could have also been because he pulled me over in front of my parent’s house.
I always loved watching The Smurfs. I wish they were still on.
I never thought I could think of enough things to attempt this post. Ok I admit some are really lame but hey what is a girl to do.