Head's Up
Project 365 starts tomorrow! Keep your eyes peeled.
Its the morning of New Years Eve, the much awaited end to 2006. And of course, I am feeling reflective of this past year. Its safe to say that this wasn't one of my best years. While I strove to branch out of my comfort zone, I also succumbed to a darker side of myself.
I was doing my using blog reading and posted on Crazy Aunt Purl was Project 365.
Its been awhile (by my standards) since I have posted and I completely blame it on the Holiday Season. This season brings out my ADD and makes it impossible for me to concentrate on a single thought for more than.............see its gone already. However I do want to post at least a little something for my RF's and IIF's to feast there eye's upon, and the only form I can do that in is a list, a collection of short thoughts and randomness.
I know I have yet to post about my weekend but I thought you would like to know that while I may have gotten older, I am to little to be left alone. Tonight after flying in from Vegas ( the only thing of note that happened, ok two, there were a TON of cowboys in town for Grandaddy of all rodeos and I won $60.00 at a slot machine)I came home a little late after some catch up work and decided that I need a little food. I stuck some lavash in my toaster oven, set it to toast and walked away. Harmless right?? The next thing I know smoke is pouring out of the toaster oven. I race over and there are FLAMES, FLAMES in my toaster oven. I open the door, woohoo the flames get larger!! The only thing I can think of is Baking Soda ( thank you Angie) and trying to fling the contents of the box in to my toaster oven, which is hard considering its a small enclosed space, so I was able to put the flames out in the front but the back is burning away. I extract flaming lavash with tongs and toss it in the sink, flames are now out. And my toaster oven is...............ruined.