Sunday, December 31, 2006

Head's Up

Project 365 starts tomorrow! Keep your eyes peeled.

Farewell 2006

Its the morning of New Years Eve, the much awaited end to 2006. And of course, I am feeling reflective of this past year. Its safe to say that this wasn't one of my best years. While I strove to branch out of my comfort zone, I also succumbed to a darker side of myself.

The highlights were:

- Going to Maui with my best friend

- Seeing two of my very good friends marry the men that they love.

-Having a successful working year

-Watching my nephews grow, talk, walk, run, and laugh with abandon.

-Being healthy

-Continuing to have strong relationships with my friends.

-Traveling by myself for the first time.

The darker side:

-Becoming more closeted in my home.

-Stupidly having expectations in a person, only to prove that having expectations is to only letting yourself down.

-My parents divorce being final the day after my birthday.

-Gaining weight because I am unhappy with myself

-Realizing that I am in some form suffering from depression.

-Allowing myself to become heavier and giving in to my depression.

-Not believing in myself.

-Letting my self doubt rule me.

But thankfully its a new year tomorrow and I can beat me.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Project 365

I was doing my using blog reading and posted on Crazy Aunt Purl was Project 365.

If I chose this mission I would take a picture everyday. Read about it, it sounds fun. I think I will take it on.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

No I Haven't Been Kidnapped by Elves

Its been awhile (by my standards) since I have posted and I completely blame it on the Holiday Season. This season brings out my ADD and makes it impossible for me to concentrate on a single thought for more than.............see its gone already. However I do want to post at least a little something for my RF's and IIF's to feast there eye's upon, and the only form I can do that in is a list, a collection of short thoughts and randomness.

- When I am 80 I want to be one of those blue haired ladies that get all gussied up to meet her friends for lunch and be that group of old ladies cackling and hen pecking.

-I saw Santa get out of a cop car. Although it was in the holiday for little kids sense and not the felony conviction sense. However its just as entertaining.

-You don't know guilt like that of leaving your nephews to go to dinner with their mom and another colleague. The sobbing of " but but we go, we go" breaks your heart.

-I gave in and went to the dentist today. Only to handed the news that the first week of January I get to go back and have my very first filling. I made it to 28 with no cavities, I am so ashamed to tell my mom. LOL, I am more terrified to actually get real dental work done. I hate the dentist, even the elf that wanted to be a dentist.

-I love holiday movies. I own four, Elf, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Love Actually, and Edward Scissorhands. I only watch them during the holiday season, its my own little tradition. And if you are wondering how Love Actually and Edward Scissorhands are holiday movies, they are set at xmas, thus holiday movie. Work with me here.

-I have given up the gym currently, with all the parties and dinners I haven't had time. I am not proud and feel disgusting but come the day after Xmas, me and that elliptical machine are going to be thick as thieves, or skinny as thieves (going for positive thinking here).

-I know I haven't posted about my birthday, I intend too but I got wonderful things. But I had to mention that in relation to one of my gifts, I think I have finally found a life path I am passionate about. Michele gave me interior design workshop classes starting in March. She also flattered me by asking for my help with her brother's place. Shawn, watch out, I have tons of ideas brewing. However the passionate part came as a realization today actually, when talking with BFTiff. Apparently my face lights up when I talk about it. I am excited about this but to the best of my knowledge this is the first time I have truly passionate about something. :)

-We have been busy as ever at work and I am only taking off Xmas day. Even though I tried to hint about a lax work week, it is becoming a no go. :( So sad won't be able to play with my xmas gifts.

- For the past 5 years I have been celebrating Hanukkah with my boss and her family. We are celebrating this Saturday night, mmmm potato pancakes...... I can't wait. I am going to be the size of a house come Dec. 26th. I might break the elliptical machine.

I am sure I will post before the actual day of Christmas but I still want to wish every one of you the Happiest of Holidays with your friends and family, time with them is the best present of all.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am to little to be left alone

I know I have yet to post about my weekend but I thought you would like to know that while I may have gotten older, I am to little to be left alone. Tonight after flying in from Vegas ( the only thing of note that happened, ok two, there were a TON of cowboys in town for Grandaddy of all rodeos and I won $60.00 at a slot machine)I came home a little late after some catch up work and decided that I need a little food. I stuck some lavash in my toaster oven, set it to toast and walked away. Harmless right?? The next thing I know smoke is pouring out of the toaster oven. I race over and there are FLAMES, FLAMES in my toaster oven. I open the door, woohoo the flames get larger!! The only thing I can think of is Baking Soda ( thank you Angie) and trying to fling the contents of the box in to my toaster oven, which is hard considering its a small enclosed space, so I was able to put the flames out in the front but the back is burning away. I extract flaming lavash with tongs and toss it in the sink, flames are now out. And my toaster oven is...............ruined.

I am currently sitting in my house with the fans on and windows open trying to air out the haze of smoke and freezing my ass off.
Plastic bubble here I come.