T minus hours and counting...
In preparation for my rapidly approaching vacation, I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. The list of things I need to remember and do, I swear, gets longer as I get closer to my vacation. Random bits of paper are strewn about the house with lists and lists. Tank tops, check, Pick up Dramamine, check, go get waxed (slaps forehead), that is what I forgot. So last night I go to a recommend esthetician close to my work. While this is definitely not one of my favorite activities, I figured that I am going to Hawaii and maybe it would be a good idea seeing as will be living in a bikini for the next ten days. Now I know waxing the nether regions isn’t a walk in the park but a necessary evil. I use to do this on a regular basis before the laser hair removal revolution. But that’s another story. Anywho- I always feel a little weird bearing myself to a complete stranger that is about inflict torture on me. But there I was in my glory prepared to be tortured. Except that ummmm, the pain was almost unbearable. I swear I broke out in a sweat, leaving sweaty little finger prints on the magazine I was jokingly trying to distract myself with. At one point I almost ripped the magazine in two. The esthetician laughs under her breath and the thought crossed my mind, how about I stick that wax stick in an uncomfortable place for you and then you laugh as I RIP IT OUT! I may have been slightly offended by the laughter, it’s not a laughing matter, you are inflicting pain on me evil woman. I calmly place my hands back on my stomach trying to control the urge to ring her neck. Finally she is done, my offended parts are throbbing in pain. And all I can think of is, I can’t be in this much pain, I still have errands to run. Because next on the list was Target……
Don’t you hate the last minute things…. I had to go get Dramamine. I am taking no risks. So trying not to limp and look suspicious, I hobble to the pharmacy looking for something that my boss had told me about. Bonine, it acted like Dramamine without the drowsiness. Of course as luck would have it, it wasn’t at Target, but Dramamine Less Drowsy was there. So I picked it up and wondered, exactly what are we dealing with on this less drowsy formula. Will my eyes turn glassy and drool dribble out of the side of my mouth instead of me falling completely asleep thus rendering me to zombie lobster status? I mean really, I think I should know become I pop one of these babies and attempt to snorkel for the first time. Think I can con two turtles to keep me afloat while I nap off the effect of the Dramamine. I know they say don’t touch the turtles but if they want to be helpful, I say let them. As long as I don’t drown. I can pick the horrified look on Tiff’s face as she is reading this.
And last but not least, can my IIF’s help me out, do you guys get anxious before a vacation? Last night I almost didn’t sleep, to many thoughts running thru my head. Did I forget anything, was I going to forget to pack and extra set of contacts, will I be able to find the hotel, will I forget and speed thus getting a speeding ticket in Hawaii? I realize that most of the stuff is nothing I can answer at the moment, I won’t know until I get there. Worrying isn’t going to make it better, I know. But by tonight I am sure I will be in a full blown panic. A drink might be in order.